Monday, June 22, 2009

Fathers Day

The difference between a man and a woman? Women think about the upcoming Fathers day and plan for it, Men wake up on mothers day morning and go buy donuts for breakfast! Love you honey! The kids and I went on an adventure to find gifts for the best daddy in the world. we came up with; roasting sticks for the fire, pillows, a new outfit and and another gift card to Cabella's. I hope by the time hunting season comes around he has enough gift cards to buy new boots. I have been doing a work thing where I wear a pedometer and get points, at certain point levels they pay cash rewards, I have gotten a hundred dollars so far! So happy fathers day to the best daddy in the world, we love you and truly appreciate all you do (including but not limited to: getting up at 5 to get to work and provide for us, cleaning up the toy infested yard to keep it looking good, riding around on a lawn mower for hours so the pastures don't over grow, leaves his cloth in a pile on the floor so I don't have to hunt for them, asks for water, food, and snacks so I don't have to guess, giggles, laughs and plays with our children non stop)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Boy Scout!

Trever is a boy scout! how weird is that. I sold my right arm to buy his uniform, but he looks so handsome. He got to go to the day camp this year. I was so nervous to send my son out with a bunch of other maniac boys for the day to do all sorts of activities ranging from rock climbing, rope tying, craft making, arrow shooting and gun shooting. I gave a few extra feet of slack on the old umbillice cord and off he went. He came back full of stories and smiles. he made a kaleidoscope and when you look through it you see the constellations! I was so impressed. Congrats my little bear!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Leaf Dorks

I have no idea where this idea came from, but Trever and his friend Hayden were playing in the back yard yesterday and came in wearing these leaves! I don't know how they got some of them to stick! they look like they belong in some tribe out in the wilderness of Africa. ahh to be young.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Celebrating Friendship program

Trever had a celebrating friendship program in his class. they read poetry and sang patriotic songs it was great, even better all of us (Ricky, Breena, Cody, and I) were able to be there. Those kids sure can sing, and their writing was amazing. Trever looked all grown up to me!