Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valenites Day

This year we spent Valentines Day with our neighbors, it is becoming a yearly tradition. We made a potluck dinner, but not just any dinner King Crab with; twice baked potatoes, salad, stead (yes I said steak), shrimp, and Better than anything cake. The little ones ate pizza down stairs while the adults enjoyed our meal. The kids played games and watched a movie while the adults played the skittles game. have you ever heard of it? Well I never had until tonight. It is a game of skill and fun. You are give two dice once you roll doubles you grab the bowl full of skittles from the person on your left, then with a straw you begin to suck as hard as you can to pick up a skittle you drop it in your own individual bowl (remember to stop sucking) and go for another until the bowl gets grabbed from you. Rick was grabbing from me, that is why the face! I didn't even get one before he rolled doubles. We were laughing so hard the kids came up and wanted to join in.

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