Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dance Recital #1

We have had Breena in 2 different dance classes, with 2 different dance companies. I am so glad to finally be at the end of the season. It has been so fun, but also a lot of work. Here is Breena's recital from Annie's Dance. She finally has a pink dance outfit. I love to do her hair all big and curly, she loves to wear all the make up. I hate the chaos, she hates the tightes. She threw a big fat baby fit over it ugh! by the end of the night it was all smiles and pride. Each year she improves so much. I am so glad that my parents were able to make it. I know it shouldn't be a big deal, we all have busy lives, but it really means alot to me when family sacrafices to be there to support her.

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