Saturday, May 1, 2010

Soccer X 3

We are going to be so busy this season!!! I have all 3 kids playing this season. Lucky for me Breena and Cody are on the same team, next year not so lucky! We have had a few games scheduled for the same time so Rick has field hopped to support them all. Cody was still pretty sick for his first game. he would run down the field and then lay on the grass and let the kids run around him. He is getting better at least at his last game he was asking the kids to play thumb wars or shooting them with his finger gun. Trever is in an older league this year, they are assigning the kids positions. Its been and experience to teach him to stay in his position and how successful you are for that and how many goals you score doesn't apply anymore. Breena has made her first goal this year. I missed it. we were double booked, Trever had pack meeting so Ricky took the younger ones. He won't stop talking about it! She really has a foot on her. I am so proud of my 3 players!

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