Thursday, January 15, 2009

Look at the 2 monies in my mouth!

Well we are back to the dentist again! What are the odds I would forget my camera 4 times now? (Don't answer if you know me.) Cody finished up his dental work this week, he had one more cavity to be filled. He took the sedation better this time in the sense of not trying to fight it and move around, get up, and walk. We experienced the down side of sedation when it was wearing off, holy basket case! Everything made him cry, hysterically. It was pretty cute though, last night he came up to me and said " Hey mom, look at the two monies in my mouth" I laughed so hard, it never would have ever crossed my mind to think of them as monies. Breena has her stint with the dentist tomorrow, she need a couple pulpotimies (mini root canals) so they decided to fully sedate her. Its off to the out patient surgery center for her. She cannot eat or drink anything after midnight tonight. I still don't have a game plan for this in the morning. Usually their appointments are right after they wake up so you can sort of let them sleep in, take them to the car in their jammies and jet to the doctor. her appointment is at 10:45. Her stomach is definitely going to say "I'm hungry"
The last few weeks have been crazy. It got really busy at work, I didn't expect this since they are doing major lay offs, and the lines have gone to 4-10's. I feel like I am missing a few days.

1 comment:

The Jensen's said...

hey he has it right look at all the monies that you just put in his mouth !

what a cutie ! He is to Cute