Saturday, January 17, 2009

The day after

Breena seems to be doing fine today. She hasn't needed any of the Tylenol with codeine. She has been happy and pain free. She has a little bruising on her face, Cody on the other hand is the one you thought had something done. He has been nothing but and emotional basket case. He is driving me crazy. He gets upset over everything.

I thought I would post a few picture from the last few weeks, I have been so busy I need to catch up.

last week end I sent the kids out to play in the snow. They made a snow man, had a snow ball fight and played around for about 3 hours. I was able to totally straighten my house, cleaning would be another thing. Cody came in and his cheeks were so red.

Rick has been having regular gun fights with the boys. they fight over the darts, and then attack. the gun fights usually end up in wrestling matches. All are involved, Breena is so aggressive.

Breena is "So Fashion" as she calls herself. She got some fake nails at the dollar store awhile ago, I thought I had hidden them well, well not well enough. she found them and was determined to wear them. She walked around like a princess the rest of the night.

1 comment:

The Jensen's said...

Gun fights are the best that all we have here anymore! I am glad that Rick is having fun with the boys cause they grow way to fast
Far as the fake nails she is just taking after you mom :0) ha ha
miss hanging out your cute family
the jensens