Thursday, July 9, 2009

T-Ball and Coach Pitch

The last few weeks have been so busy with me going back to work (temporary, I am officially terminated) I haven't added pictures of my kids play softball. It's Breena's first year and she is doing better than I thought. They only play 2 innings but that is enough! Trever is doing very well at hitting the ball as the coach pitches. We need to find what postion he is good at and start practicing for next year. The look so cute in their uniforms. Trever is a Giant, and Breena is a Cardinal! we live at the ball park now. the kid have their games 4 nights a week (two games a piece) and Ricky plays softball on Tuesday night, Trever has practice on Saturdays! Trever loves it when Rick has a game that is right after his so we can go watch. His favorite thing in the world is to sit next to dad in the dugout! OH to be a kid again when softball fields are made of magic and spending time with dad is everything!


Jen said...

That picture of Trevor sitting by Dad in the dugout is my favorite!

Amber said...

Cute! I love seeing the photo's, since I don't get to see you all to often.