Saturday, March 28, 2009

Soccer Practice

Disclaimer: I make mistakes! This year I dropped the ball. I didn't get the kids signed up for soccer in time. They still had openings for Breena but not for Trever. So not only did Breena get new dance cloths and shoes, she got a whole new getup for soccer; cleets, socks, pants, shorts, shin guards, and a soccer ball. She had her first practice tonight. She did so well, or so I heard. Ricky, Cody and I went with her. (Trever the lucky T-dog went to Hill Air Force Base with Jayse; Thanks Annie) Cody wanted to play in the playground near by. Ricky said she had really good ball control and knew the answers to any question given. We spent the day earlier in town getting the gear together I really enjoyed it! She wanted pink everything, we limited it to the Nike mark on her cleets, and the hidden shin guards, she is rough tough pretty stuff! Her first game is next Saturday go TICKS! Yes, she is a tick, the teams are named after bugs you know Beetles, ticks oh well. If it were up to her they would be the princesses.


The Jensen's said...

YA GO Breena Bean!
thats okay we all drop the ball sometimes! I saw you the other day I honked but you did not see me.

Ann Marie Wallace said...

You Go Girl! Just like your Ann Tan!

Leisa said...

i love your family SO SO much!! so cute